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三星i908广告,三星i9086 广告歌曲

LZ说的是I908E的广告曲吧,最近经常有人问这个。三星 i908是一款颇具高端感的智能手机,无论在外观设计、硬件配置还是操作系统方面都表现出色。对于喜欢时尚的年轻人来说,i908绝对是一个不错的选择。

三星i9086 广告歌曲


是歌手Melee 的 Built to last 百度MP3里可以搜索的到

Built To Last

I've looked for love in stranger places,

but never found someone like you.

Someone whose **ile makes me feel I've been holding back,

and now there's nothing I can't do.

'Cause this is real, and this is good.

It warms the inside just like it should,

but most of all it's built to last.

All of our friends saw from the start.

So why didn't we believe it too?

Whoa yeah, now look where you are.

You're in my heart now.

And there's no escaping it for you.

'Cause this is real, and this is good.

It warms the inside just like it should,

but most of all it's built to last.

Walking on the hills that night with those fireworks and candlelight

You and I were made to get love right

'Cause this is real, and this is good.

It warms the inside just like it should,

but most of all it's built to last.

'Cause you are the sun in my universe,

considered the best when we've felt the worst

and most of all it's built to last.

三星 i908:领先时尚的智能手机



i908的外观设计非常精美,采用了金属机身以及蓝宝石玻璃屏幕,给人一种高端的感觉。其采用了3.5寸屏幕,分辨率达到了320 x 480,视觉效果非常出色。此外,i908还采用了便于携带的直板设计,并配有4个按键,操作简单方便。


i908在硬件方面也十分出色,配备了624 MHz Marvell **A312 处理器、128 MB的RAM以及512 MB 的ROM,性能强劲。同时,i908还配备了3.2MP**头,支持自动对焦和手动对焦,充分满足不同用户的拍照需求。


i908采用Windows Mobile 6.1操作系统,操作界面清晰明了,操作也很顺畅。此外,i908还预装了一些实用的软件,如Office Mobile、MSN、Outlook等,方便用户进行办公和娱乐。




三星 i908是一款颇具高端感的智能手机,无论在外观设计、硬件配置还是操作系统方面都表现出色。对于喜欢时尚的年轻人来说,i908绝对是一个不错的选择。
